
We are always looking for talented and enthusiastic people to join the lab! Research in the lab consists of several complementary and integrated parts including bench science, cultured cells, animal phenotyping and husbandry, and computational and systems biology.


Postdoctoral Research

Highly motivated candidates should contact Heather directly. A brief description of what you would be interested in working on in the lab is encouraged. The ideal applicant will have: 1) a PhD in biological sciences or related fields; 2) experience in molecular biology or genomics; and 3) good spoken and written communication skills. Candidates with some programming skills will be given priority (Python and R preferred). 


Graduate Research

If you interested in pursuing doctoral research in the Lawson lab you are encouraged to apply to the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences. Students from any of the twelve biomedical PhD programs are welcome to join the lab. Heather is specifically affiliated with the Computational and Systems BiologyMolecular Genetics and Genomics, Human and Statistical Genetics, and Evolution, Ecology and Population Biology programs. Please contact Heather to discuss opportunities.


Undergraduate Research

If you are an undergraduate interested in participating in research in the lab, please contact Heather to discuss opportunities!